Lion’s Heart Meditation
For the modern man it is difficult to relax and go into silence without preparation. First the body needs to release tension and stress. Therefore, in this meditation we start with a half hour of physical and emotional stress release. This is followed by a half hour of inner silence.
Stage 1
Here you look straight and strong into a mirror or into the eyes of your partner as a mirror and breathe slow, deep and relaxed; let go of all fear and feel natural pride in who you are. The breath will energize you. Stage 2
Start making grimaces involving all the muscles of your face, including your tongue. Remember that your face expresses the biggest part of your energy in relating with others.·
As you have learned to hide most of your feelings your face has become frozen into different masks. Stretch it more and enjoy making wild grimaces, but don't make any sounds yet. Stage 3
Now start moving your arms, imitating the wild expressions of a lion. Love and hate, aggression and tenderness, yes and no are all part of your emotional expression. Remember that the arms are both related to your heart and your creative expression. Allow them to move freely again and let the movement involve your shoulders as much as your hands. Continue keeping sounds inside. Stage 4
Finally, allow sound, along with your other movements and expressions. Let the sound come from your belly and open the whole body, belly, chest, throat and mouth. Feel it even in your sex center. Stage 5
Get up now and dance like a lion! Celebrate your power and playfulness!·
Move your legs and kick away all the fears you have been holding there: the fear of death, of action and of being yourself.·
Play with yourself and others without competition. Use all the expressions of your body, which you have learnt in the previous stages of the meditation. Stage 6
Touch your heart and breathe into your heart. Let it overflow and share your love with your friends!·
Hug yourself and the other lions around you. Feel your heart opening more and more. Let the intelligence of the heart connect you to your partners and share their love within yourself. Stage 7
Sit down and close your eyes. It is time to leave the animal kingdom now and to move beyond nature and ordinary life.·
Begin to watch your breathing as Buddha teaches us. Watch it coming in and flowing out. Watch how each breath fills your relaxed Buddha like belly. Just watch and relax without any judgment.Stage 8
In the last stage lay down and relax your body and mind completely.
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