Kirtan Meditation
In the afternoon session generally from four to five, there will be half an hour of kirtan, devotional singing and dancing. Everyone has to participate in it. The kirtan will go on for half an hour, and during that period you should sing and dance totally and madly. This will be followed by half an hour of silence. After the kirtan, you should blindfold your eyes, plug your ears and sit down in silence.
During that half an hour of silence, there should be no expression, no catharsis of any kind. No sounds, no weeping, no shouting, no laughing, nothing, you are simply like a corpse. All that laughing, shouting, singing and weeping has to be exhausted completely in the half an hour of kirtan. Only he who will be able to empty himself completely of all these will be able to be silent for half an hour. If you withheld anything, that will try to erupt in the half an hour of silence period and only you will be responsible for that. In the kirtan, jumping, dancing, you cathart completely and throw out all the rubbish. Then for half an hour, you either lie down or just sit completely still, like a corpse. As you like—sitting or lying down, but no catharsis of any kind in that half an hour. No sounds, no movements, no action of the body. Everything has to be made silent-body mind and speech, everything has to be made silent… thousd01
Dancing is not passive, it is very active. In the end you become movement; the body is forgotten, only movement remains. Really, dancing is a most unearthly thing, a most unearthly art, because it is just rhythm in movement. It is absolutely immaterial so you cannot hold on to it. You can hold on to the dancer, but never to the dancing. It just withers in the cosmos. It is there, and then it is not there; it is not here, and then suddenly it is here—it comes out of nothing and it is here—it comes out of nothing and then, again, goes into nothing.
A dancer is sitting here; there is no dancing in him. But if a poet is sitting here, poetry may be in him; poetry can exist in the poet. A painter is here: in a very subtle way, painting is present. Before he paints, painting is there. But with a dancer nothing is present, and if it is present, then he is simply a technician and not a dancer. The movement is a new phenomenon coming in. The dancer becomes just a vehicle: the movement takes over….
Take any activity and go to the limit where there is either madness or meditation. Lukewarm search will not do.
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